Sunday, August 5, 2012

guest on The Living Proof Brew Cast, episode "Tour Globally, Drink Locally"

CC BY-NC-SA image by (and of) cmdln via Flickr
Back at Balticon in May, I had the immense pleasure of sitting down with Thomas Gideon and John Taylor Williams to record an episode of The Living Proof Brew Cast. This has been a thing I've been intending to do for some time, especially given that these gents are outstanding folk and they produce the best beer-related how I've yet heard. We had some great brews and even greater conversation, so be sure to give it a listen. The title of the episode is "Tour Globally, Drink Locally" for reasons that become obvious in the show. Thanks to Thomas and John for having me on!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"If You're Drinking Beer Ice Cold, You're Doing It Wrong"

I was recently at a job-related event in which the height of beer that the free bar was supplied with was a choice between Miller Light and Coors Light. Despite my shame at partaking in these to make the event organizer happy, I was compelled to log them on Untappd anyway.

This did give me the opportunity to ponder the much-advertised *COLD - SUPERCOLD* indicator on the bottles of the latter, playing up the whole thing that mass produced American lagers are best enjoyed when they are as close in temperature to ice as possible. Which is somewhat true, given that they are rather awful. Well-brewed beer, however, is all about flavors and aromas that come out with warmer than freezing temperatures. The following infographic from FrugalDad is a great reminder that warmer beer, depending on the style, can be a truly beautiful thing:

Beer Infographic
