- Name: Troegs Mad Elf Ale
- Brewery: Troegs Brewing Company
- Style: Fruit Beer, based on Belgian Strong Dark Ale (Categories 20 and 18E, BJCP 2008 Style Guidelines)
- Alcohol: 11.0%
- Serving: 12-ounce bottle, chilled, served in a freezer-stored Samuel Adams Boston Lager Pint Glass
- Appearance: 6 - Pours a deep reddish-brown, with a minimal white head that fades quickly to nothing.
- Nose: 7 - Dominant cherry aroma with a strong undercurrent of malt.
- Taste: 8 - Bready malts and cherries upfront, moving to a strong hit of sweet and spicy cherries in the middle, which fades to a slight alcoholic bitterness in the end. Honey and other spice flavors are subtle throughout.
- Mouthfeel: 5 - Moderate-bodied with minimal carbonation, and a mild spice aftertaste.
- Holistic: 7 - A well-crafted brew that manages to centerpiece the cherry and honey components, yet keeps them well-balanced in the overall style. I suspect that a bit more carbonation, as well as drinking this at a slightly warmer temperature, would inspire an even higher rating.
Oh, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all whom it applies to. :)